American Lithography Exhibited at Primorsky Krai Picture Gallery

20 февраля 2008, 21:39
The exhibition is a joint project of the US Consulate General in Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai Picture Gallery.

The exposition of the unique American lithography Tamarind Impressions opened today in the Primorsky Krai Picture Gallery.
Tamarind Avenue is a place in Los Angeles where in 1960 several enthusiastic artists opened a lithography workshop to salvage this declining art. After several years of fantastic efforts the founders managed not only to renew the art of lithography but, critics say, raise it up to the position of the main graphic art for many contemporary artists. The workshop was named the Tamarind Institute.
The exhibition is a joint project of the US Consulate General in Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai Picture Gallery.

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