Posted 5 июня 2008, 03:54

Published 5 июня 2008, 03:54

Modified 17 сентября 2022, 13:57

Updated 17 сентября 2022, 13:57

Primorsky Krai – Paradise for Illegal

5 июня 2008, 03:54
Only for one day (June 3) frontier guards together with officials of the migration service in Primorsky Krai arrested 20 foreigners

VLADIVOSTOK. June 5. VOSTOK MEDIA – Only for one day (June 3) within the limits of the interdepartmental operation Illegal-2008 frontier guards together with officials of the migration service in Primorsky Krai arrested 20 foreigners.
The press service of the Frontier board of the FSB of Primorsky Krai reported that among these foreigners there were 16 citizens of China and 4 citizens of Kirghizia. They were arrested in different towns. The causes of arrest are similar. The violation of residence rules and illegal labor activity.
Since the beginning of the Illegal-2008 operation (May 20) the officials of the migration service arrested 117 foreigners.
