Posted 6 июня 2008, 05:08

Published 6 июня 2008, 05:08

Modified 17 сентября 2022, 13:57

Updated 17 сентября 2022, 13:57

6 000 of Confiscated Trepang

6 июня 2008, 05:08
On Sakhalin Chinese citizens realize trepang in illegal way

YUZNO-SAKHALINSK. June 6. VOSTOK MEDIA – In June 3 the officials of the Economic Crime Department of the Department of Internal Affairs of Korsakovsky District and the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Sakhalin Oblast during the joint actions found and stopped the fact of the illegal processing and realization of trepang.
The press service of the Department of Internal Affairs of Sakhalin Oblast reported that in the private house in Korsakov three citizens of China were arrested. 5 900 of trepang were found there.
the Federal Migration Service found out several serious violations of administrative legislation.
The Chinese citizens paid 70 000 rubbles fine for illegal actions.
