Posted 11 июня 2008, 03:47

Published 11 июня 2008, 03:47

Modified 17 сентября 2022, 13:56

Updated 17 сентября 2022, 13:56

Nature in Primorsky Krai Preserved in Other Way

11 июня 2008, 03:47
The specialists worked in five different districts.

VLADIVOSTOK. June 11. VOSTOK MEDIA – A 2-day raid took place in Primorsky Krai. Its purpose was to preserve unique nature from poaching.
The press service of the Regional Administration reported to RIA Vostok Media that its organizers were the Department of Preservation, Control and Regulation the natural objects of Primorsky Krai.
The result is 7 administrative violations of hunting.
Five operative groups participated in this raid. The specialists worked in five different districts. Near 50 cars were checked for the purpose of illegal arms presence.45 apiaries and 40 cutting areas were also checked for environmental legislation observance.
The specialists inform that such raids will be done regularly.
