Posted 20 июня 2008, 03:10

Published 20 июня 2008, 03:10

Modified 17 сентября 2022, 13:52

Updated 17 сентября 2022, 13:52

Oil Pipe-line Break Near Magadan

20 июня 2008, 03:10
Four tons of oil is spilt

VLADIVOSTOK. June 20. VOSTOK MEDIA – The Rescue Service received an announcement about oil pipe-line break near Magadan in Wednesday at 3 p.m. The officers of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situation of Magadan Oblast, fire patrol and officials of the magadannefto, the owner of the oil pipe-line immediately leave for the scene of action.
The press service of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situation of Magadan Oblast reported to RIA Vostok Media that as a result of pipe-line break nearly four tons of oil is spilt. The liquidation lasted four hours.
The oil pipe-line isn’t exploiting during two years. Recently liquidation works begun. According to officials of the Russian Technical Supervisory Authority the cause of the break is unsanctioned breakout in pipe-line which was made by unknown persons to steal oil.
The minimum fine will be 60 000 rubbles. All soil sodden with oil was sent for ecological expertise.
