Bush called upon cease fire in South Ossetia

11 августа 2008, 12:30
On Saturday Bush held talks on phone with Russian leader Dmitriy Medvedev and Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili

VLADIVOSTOK. 11 August. VOSTOK-MEDIA. President of the USA George Bush called upon cease fire in South Ossetia.
As the Japanese company NHK, George Bush publicly comment on military clash between Georgian and Russian forces.
He said it is necessary to respect territorial integrity of Georgia, highlighting that USA is against separating of the region. He called upon military forces of Georgia to immediately stop military operation and said that Russia should end its aviation bombing.
Bush also said that he would collaborate with western powers to start mediation.
White House reported that on Saturday Bush talked on phone with Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev and Geogian President Mikhail Saakashvili calling upon peaceful settlement.

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