Posted 15 декабря 2008, 04:27

Published 15 декабря 2008, 04:27

Modified 17 сентября 2022, 14:10

Updated 17 сентября 2022, 14:10

Central channels did not notice protest in Vladivostok

15 декабря 2008, 04:27
Vice governor of Primorskiy Krai and Mayor of Vladivostok had to address to protesters

VLADIVOSTOK. 15 DECEMBER. VOSTOK-MEDIA – Protest actions against raising special tax on foreign-made car took place in Vladivostok as well as in many other Russian cities on Sunday. Central channels decided not to cover such events. Meanwhile this protest became very popular, especially in Vladivostok (the capital of used Japanese cars). Residents of Vladivostok city were very touchy about the next afford of Vladivostok authorities to back up domestic automobile industry. Many people came to the streets and got some roadways covered. Hundreds of cars were moving along the streets of Vladivostok with such claims as “Give Vladivostok and Kurils to Japan!” ,”Rise living standards, not taxes”, “Let’s get Putin in “Volga”” etc. Participants of this action crossed the road leading to airport and they want this action to be continuing, if the authorities do not change their decision to increase special tax. There were even some proposals to cross trans Siberian line among the people. Alexandr Kostenko,Vice-governor of Primorskiy Krai and Igor Pushkarev, Major of the Vladivostok had to address themselves to protesters. They called people to cease action of protest.
Officials of The Ministry of the Interior denied the information that this event took place in Vladivostok as well as in other cities.
