In the Downtown of Vladivostok Passers-by were Given RF Constitution

26 января 2009, 14:50
Several women conducted unusual action near the building of the Regional Administration and some of them got to police station

VLADIVOSTOK. January26. VOSTOK-MEDIA – The Vladivostok’s Mothers decided to express their disagreement with political situation that was formed in Russia by unusual method.
About 20 mothers carried out flash mob against the building of the Administration. The idea of the flash mob appeared after notorious events in December.
“Despite the fact that we are sitting at home with our children we understand many things that happen in the country. Many husbands are about to get fired, the economy is very unstable and the tariffs on communal services became ultrahigh. That is why we decided to find safe method to express our disagreement with current political situation. At first we carried out flash mob near the Christmas tree. At the second time we came to the center of entertainment with written articles of the Constitution on them. Yesterday’s flash mob is the third one.”- said one of the organizers of the event.

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