Carcass of Baby Mammoth was Found in Yakutia

4 июня 2009, 16:05
National Geographic camera crew will arrive in Yakutia in August

YAKUTSK. June 4. VOSTOK-MEDIA - The representatives of the International Mammoth Committee took part in conference dedicated to the baby mammoth that was found at the Khroma River in Yakutia.

Perer Lazarev, manager of the World Mammoth Museum under auspices of Institute of Applied Ecology of the North (IAEN), Aksenty Dmitriev, IAEN academic secretary and the representative of the International Mammoth Committee: academic secretary Alexey Tikhonov (St. Petersburg), coordinator Sergey Gorbunov, chief officer Bernard Buigues (France) took part in the conference.

First of all the scientists confirmed the preliminary estimates of the age of the find – 15-30 thousand years. As soon as the scientists learned about the finding they moved to the spot of discovery. They were concerned that spring break-up and predators and birds of prey might damage the baby mammoth carcass. Unfortunately, Arctic foxes have already eaten out part of neck and back. But in general, as P. Lazarev said, the carcass of the baby mammoth remained well preserved. What was left of the carcass included the tuskless and trunkless head, spinal column and feet. Internal organs were washed out by water stream. Entombment in the permafrost helped keep the tissues intact. At present the paleontological relic is stored in deep-freeze compartment in the World Mammoth Museum. The scientists are carefully brushing the mammoth from ice and dirt. The mammoth research program has been put together and is in the final stages of getting approval. Foreign scientists will be attracted to the research program. They are supposed to arrive in Yakutia in August and to scrutinize the mammoth and another famous find – woolly rhinoceros.

The issues relating mammoths are very popular and National Geographic become very interested in the find. The current issue of the magazine is dedicated to this extinct animal.

National Geographic camera crew will arrive in Yakutia in August.

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