Russian Far East will Observe a Spectacular Astronomical Phenomenon on July 22

6 июля 2009, 15:28
Tour operators are already offering special Eclipse Tours

VLADIVOSTOK. July 6. VOSTOK-MEDIA – The longest total solar eclipse of the 21th century will occur on July 22, around 6:30 (Moscow time). The maximum duration of totality will last for 6 minutes 39 seconds.
Just as much time the Sun will be at the back of the Moon in one of the spots of Pacific Ocean, about 100 km south off Banin Islands. The Moons penumbral shadow will run a broader path through south, southeast and central Asia and the Far East, will touch Australia and pass over Pacific Ocean.
In Russia partial phases of the eclipse will be seen in Siberia and the Russian Far East. The spectacular show will be available to a large number of people, embracing densely populated regions of India and China, including Shanghai, whose precincts are already said to be the best observation spot.
This is the first for the last 46 years solar eclipse in Japan. And the fact that the solar eclipse will last more than two hours makes it the longest solar eclipse in 2,000 years, reported GISMETEO website.
Tour operators are already offering special Eclipse Tours and theres also an information available for those wishing to travel on their own. In Russia the next solar eclipse, after Novosibirsk eclipse on August 1 last year, will occur in Taimyr Peninsula on August 12, 2026. The total solar eclipse that will occur on April 20, 2061 is already called ‘Russian Eclipse’; it will embrace a range of south regions of Russia, Volga region, Ural, the Cis-Ural region and the northeast of the European Russia as well as Elista, Stalingrad, Astrakhan, Saratov, Samara, Oreburg, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Chelyabinsk and Vorkuta.

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