Eurasian Lynx Bonya Arrived to Sakhalin

18 ноября 2009, 16:34
The six-month she-cat arrived in Sakhalin regional zoobotanical park from the Royev Ruchey Zoo.

YUZHNO-SAKHALINSK. November 18. VOSTOK-MEDIA – A young Eurasian lynx named Bonya came to the Sakhalin Zoobotanic garden.

The six-month she-cat arrived in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk from the Royev Ruchey Zoo, said Larisa Baranchuk, an employee at the Sakhalin regional zoobotanical park.

The newcomer has been kept in quarantine for about a month and now all wishing can take a look at the animal. The male lynx Fonya also resides in the zoo.

Alpacas (an animal belonging to the camelid family) from Holland and the five-month camel from Vladivostok, which were also brought to the zoo about month ago, are still kept in quarantine.

The Sakhalin zoo management plans to purchase a lion, snowy owls, flamingo and puma, Sakhalin-Kurily news agency reported.

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