Posted 23 марта 2010, 07:34
Published 23 марта 2010, 07:34
Modified 17 сентября 2022, 12:34
Updated 17 сентября 2022, 12:34
VLADIVOSTOK. March 23. VOSTOK-MEDIA – A rise in alcohol tax and severe restrictions on its sale, according to the majority of Russians, are the most effective measures against alcohol abuse.
However, a recent poll carried out by found that almost every fourth respondent believes that no anti-alcohol measures will do in Russia and that it is simply impossible to eradicate excessive drinking.
However, 18 % of those polled think that the situation is not so bad after all. According to them, alcohol tax increase and, as a consequence, growing prices on spirits is the most effective measure to combat alcohol abuse. 17% of respondents are in favor of the nighttime ban on sale of beverages, while 16% spoke for raising the drinking age limit.
Among other actions to tackle alcohol abuse, which were suggested by the Russians, are improvement of the living standards and shaping of the drinking tradition.