Large Families Honored in Primorye

17 мая 2010, 15:30
Artyom marked the International Day of Families

VLADIVOSTOK. May 17. VOSTOK-MEDIA – On Sunday, the UN’s International Day of Families was celebrated worldwide. To mark the holiday the Artyom authorities gathered the best families of the city for a solemn meeting in a local movie theater.

Artyom mayor Vladimir Novikov addressed the audience saying that there are many families living in the city that raise 4, 5, 6, 7, and even more children. At present, there are 203 large families in the city that care for a total of 660 children. Altogether, there are slightly over 500 large families in Artyom.

The largest family in Artyom raises 16 children. Many large families are rich with talents, traditions and achievements in sports. Among the most distinguished families are the Zaglyadovys, the Grishinys, the Dvorniks, the Veselovys and many other families.

In 2007, the Government launched a program that provides $10,000-worth certificate for women who decide to have a second child. So far, 1,702 certificates have been issued in Artyom. 55 families have already spent their maternity funds on housing and education.

On this festive day the local authorities honored not only large families but also those families that have adopted and disabled children, press service of Artyom Administration reported.

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