Vladimir Miklushevsky supported the creation of the state corporation for the development of the Far East

30 ноября 2012, 22:49
"This is - the right idea. It has been discussed for a long time. "

VLADIVOSTOK. November 30. VOSTOK-MEDIA - The Primorsky Territory Governor Vladimir Miklushevsky supports the creation of the state corporation for the development of the Far East. The need for the formation of such structures, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the State Council, which was attended by the head of Primorye."I believe it is - the right idea. She already had a long discussion. Were talking about a tool, an instrument of development, is a corporation of development. Examples of such corporations exist in Russia, and they are, in general, are quite effective, "- said Vladimir Miklushevsky

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