Posted 11 июня 2008, 04:55

Published 11 июня 2008, 04:55

Modified 17 сентября 2022, 13:56

Updated 17 сентября 2022, 13:56

FSB Stoped Barbaric Catching of Scallop

11 июня 2008, 04:55
The catching was made with dredge

KHABAROVSK. June 11. VOSTOK MEDIA – In Vanino town the officials of the Board of Management of Russin FSB of Khabarovsk Krai the representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs of Vavin District arrested a car which transported in refrigerating section 4,726 tons of bay scallops. The seafood was loaded from the trawler Alaushas which had catched scallops during a week in Tatar Strait. The port of documentation of this trawler is Sovetskaya Gavan.
The press service of the FSB reported that the catching was made with dredge. This tool is prohibited for use.
The operative group arrested Alaushas near the Cape Zolotoy and conveyed in port Vanino.
Now the Department of Internal Affairs of Vavin District carrys out an investigation.

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