Posted 28 июля 2008, 04:05
Published 28 июля 2008, 04:05
Modified 17 сентября 2022, 13:46
Updated 17 сентября 2022, 13:46
VLADIVOSTOK. 27 July. VOSTOK-MEDIA. The Second Pacific Economic Congress, July, 26-27, resumed its work in Vladivostok. Today participants of the Congress are taking part celebrating the Navy Day.
Yesterday, after a plenary meeting “Resources of Future” Juan Carlos Capuсay the 16th Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat and the Governor of Primorsliy Krai, Sergey Darkin, replied to questions of journalists. Sergey Darkin informed journalists about a preparation work for APEC 2012 and highlighted that all the objects necessary for hosting a great forum will be built according to schedule. “The hardest project is the bridge to the Russian island. By now we have prepared everything to start the construction – mobilized human resources and arranged all modern equipment. All we rest to do is to gain an official approval to start the construction”, - informed the Governor.
This year chairmanship is held by Peru. In this regard Mr. Capucay, a resident of Peru, was asked about how his country held preparation for APEC 2012. “Summit provides us with new opportunities to integrate into the world economy. And thus, it lays challenges too. Our society should be prepared the way we will be able to show our economy effectively working and being competitive. Besides, we should make arrangements in our capital to welcome 5-6 thousand honorable guests”, - informed Juan Carlos Capucay.
During the meeting with journalists Sergey Darkin was asked about a planned gambling zone. “Format of reconstruction of the Russian island changed – Government approved construction of the Pacific Federal University and the greatest in the Russian Far East scientific and educational centre. In this regard, we consider a new location for a gambling zone, including the Turtle Cape and Shamora part”, - answered Sergey Darkin.
Journalists were interested as well in the social and economic strategy of Primorskiy Krai 2025 which was declared at the Congress plenary meeting. Particularly, Mass Media representatives were interested in the development perspectives of the Primorian Northern territories. “First of all it is infrastructural projects – construction of new power transmission lines and up-to-date roads, including railroads. This Strategy reflects our plan to construct a railroad up to Dalnegorsk”, - marked Sergey Darkin. On the North it is planned to construct atomic power station which is a powerful cluster of modern technologies.
Sergey Darkin told about another significant project which will directly influence on life of the Northern territories: “Now we are negotiating with the world leading producer to start production of modern cars at the base of Arseniev’s factory “Progress”.