Posted 29 августа 2008, 03:31

Published 29 августа 2008, 03:31

Modified 17 сентября 2022, 13:41

Updated 17 сентября 2022, 13:41

European Council in the Russian Far East

29 августа 2008, 03:31
Parliament Assembly of European Council made an official visit to Jewish Autonomous Region

BIROBIDZHAN. 29 August. VOSTOK-MEDIA. Governor of JAR Nikolay Volkov welcomed a delegation from Parliament Assembly of European Council. The head of the delegation is presented by a Polish deputy, Tadeus Ilinski. Representatives were mostly interested in migration questions and cooperation of JAR and China.
Tadeus Ilinski is involved into preparation of a new report to European Council. Document will reflect his impressions after visiting JAR and Khabarovskiy Krai. He thinks this information can be interesting to countries-participants of European Council which knows a little about the Russian Far East. To enrich knowledge the head of the delegation proposed to hold a presentation about JAR in Strasbourg, residence of European Council and European Parliament.
During a visit representatives came over to a Jewish community “Freid”, synagogue, Blagoveshensk Cathedral and went sightseeing in Birobidzhan.


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