Posted 5 декабря 2008, 04:04

Published 5 декабря 2008, 04:04

Modified 17 сентября 2022, 14:12

Updated 17 сентября 2022, 14:12

Submarine “Nerpa” Becomes Indian

5 декабря 2008, 04:04
Damaged submarine “Nerpa” will be leased by India. Russia agrees to give the sub for leasing to the Indian Marine Forces despite the tragedy

VLADIVOSTOK. 5 December. VOSTOK-MEDIA. Russia implied to give the sub “Nerpa” to leasing by the Indian Marine Forces despite the tragedy that took 20 lives on November, 8.
Indian Ministry of Defence requested Amurskiy Shipbuilding Factory about prolongation of the submarine tests. The submarine “Nerpa” was supposed to train Indian sailors that will work on Indian atomic submarines projected and constructed in India. Crews are expected to change for Indian atomic submarines in 2010-2011, but by that time officers and sailors will have to accomplish training on the sub “Nerpa”.
Though, Russian officials including Head of General Headquarters of the RF have been refusing and are now refusing to lend the sub for leasing by the Indian Marine Forces.

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