Posted 11 декабря 2008, 06:26

Published 11 декабря 2008, 06:26

Modified 17 сентября 2022, 14:10

Updated 17 сентября 2022, 14:10


11 декабря 2008, 06:26
Well-known man in Vladivostok wants to help his brother

VLADIVOSTOK. 11 December. VOSTOK-MEDIA. Vladivostok is said to be “the end of the Earth”, however, its citizens are very sensitive and attentive to problems of other people. This is what one well-known man in Vladivostok believes in.
Information agency “Vostok-Media” was addressed by Pavel Tischenko, Chief Officer Assistant of Primorskiy Transport Line Internal Affairs Department, chief investigating officer, Captain of Justice. He is trying to help his single brother who lives with his retired parents in Krasnodarskiy Krai.
His younger 22-year old brother is suffering from chronic kidney disease. He was born with pathology, with only one kidney. Another kidney can not work properly. In his childhood younger Tischenko went through all circles of hell – hospitals, drip bulbs, catheter, operations, lost weigt to 25 kg (at age of 14!) and etc.
Now Anatoliy is living with nephrostome. Anatoliy spends all days and nights with an apparatus that releases kidney exposures while young men of his age go dancing and falling in love and just enjoying life.
Anatoliy has been living in such condition for 10 years. Meanwhile, another kidney is gradually degrading. Hemadialysis is the next stage, incurable disease when all the efforts can only prolong life but never cure.
Blood cleansing is done to Anatoliy every two days in the special nephrocentre. Situation is complicated by the fact that Anatoliy and his parents live in the several hours from the Krai centre. Neither physical nor financial condition let them go for procedures every two days. Family has to spend 10-15 000 rubles for medication even though the main medication, kethosteryl, is given for free. Parents have already sold everything – motorcycle, motoroller, small house in the suburbs and etc.
There is one way to save Anatoliy’s life. Transplantation of kidney can bring him to normal and happy life. Anatoliy has been put in the order for operation. But in Russia it will take 10 years. Crisis will just worsen the situation.
Pavel Tischenko says there is one way. Qualitative and quick operation in Pakistan costs 50 000 euro. It is two times less than in Europe, the USA or Singapore. The sum comprises costs of operation, a trip to Pakistan and 3 post-op weeks in the hospital. But even this is too expensive for the Tischenkos.
We remind that Pavel Tischenko and his team work on transport investigations. It means that crime investigations will not be put aside or left unsolved; no financial or material damage will be done to companies and firms.
The depth of tragedy is close to parents who know how it feels trying to save their own child from suffering and everyday pain. We believe attentive and sensitive people will help. We also ask for help companies and firms. Despite the distance between Primorye and Krasnodarskiy Krai, we believe people will help.
We believe there is a way to save life of Anatoliy Tischenko.

Donations can be transferred to:

Усть-Лабинское ОСБ РФ № 1815 г.Усть-Лабинск. (the city of Ust-Labinsk)
ИНН 7707083893
Транзитный счет (Transit account): 47422810130159900000
к/с 30101810600000000602
БИК 046015602
ОКПО 02746643
ОКОНХ 96130
КПП 235601001
Банк (Bank): Юго-Западный банк Сбербанка РФ, г. Ростов-на-Дону.
№ счета 42307810930157222877
На имя Тищенко Анатолия Валерьевича (For Anatoliy Tischenko)
В филиале № 1815/0047 (Branch number)

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