Posted 28 февраля 2008, 08:02

Published 28 февраля 2008, 08:02

Modified 17 сентября 2022, 14:17

Updated 17 сентября 2022, 14:17

Wild Salmon Center and Sakhalin Energy Sign Agreement

28 февраля 2008, 08:02
The program’s budget accounts for US $8.8 million.

Yesterday the Wild Salmon Center and Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd. announced about conclusion of the agreement that provides for joint financing of a three-year program on preserving the wild salmon on Sakhalin Island. The programs budget accounts for US $8.8 million, Sakhalin Energy press center told Vostok Media.
The work aimed at preservation of the salmon will be carried out in the framework of the Sakhalin Salmon Initiative that had been started in the course of the international conference held in 2006. The SSI is a joint endeavor for preservation of the wild salmon and its ecosystems and sustainable use of the ecosystems. Sakhalin Energy is the general sponsor of the Sakhalin Salmon Initiative.