Posted 11 января 2009, 03:22

Published 11 января 2009, 03:22

Modified 17 сентября 2022, 14:05

Updated 17 сентября 2022, 14:05

The Protest Action in Vladivostok Despite the Prohibition of the Authorities

11 января 2009, 03:22
The Russian Communists could not get the authorities’ permission to conduct the protest action
VLADIVOSTOK. January 11. VOSTOK-MEDIA – The protest action organized by the Russian Communists took place in Vladivostok on Saturday. Though there was very cold weather, the protest action at the center of the Vladivostok city gathered over 200 people.
The organizers of the protest action did not have the official permission. At the initial stage of negotiations with city’s authorities the communists had got it, but then the city hall changed its mind. Though, despite of it, the managers of the local branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation decided to conduct the protest action, at which the political and economical demands to the RF government were made.
The remonstrants stated the official policy aimed at the capitalization of the society and unregulated introduction of the market relations leads to deterioration of living standards of the citizens and should be changed.
The gathered people of different age were expressing their consent with remonstrants and chanting communists’ slogans.
This event kindled the interest of security agencies of Vladivostok. There were several buses with police near the place of the protest action.
The police officers were at the building of sea link station, among the crowd of remonstrants near the Eternal Light and in their cars parked along the road.
Fortunately, the protest action was peaceful and there were no incidents.